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 Space Future Japan 特集 第3弾
フライ ザ・宇宙丸!!




現在の宇宙丸構想のリーダーは、観光丸研究においても宇宙旅行事業化研究委員会委員長、商業宇宙輸送法制研究委員会委員、運輸研究委員会オブザーバーとして活躍されたパトリック・コリンズ(Patrick Collins)教授です。






I'm going to talk about what I believe is a wonderful opportunity for Japan.  It is very sad to me that at present the Japanese government does not seem to want to do it.  But I think if more Japanese people learn about it they will agree that it would be in the interests of the Japanese people.

In 1993, a market research survey was performed in Japan - the first time in the world that people were asked if they would like to travel to space.  It was found that most people would like to take a trip to space - and almost all young people.  As you know, everyone who has been to space says that it is indeed the best experience of their life.  In 1995 similar surveys were done in the USA and Germany with much the same results.  It was found that most people said they would spend even a few months salary for a space trip.  And in every country a few percent even said they would spend one year's salary or more!

Now it would cost at least several thousand okuen to develop a passenger vehicle to take people to orbit.  So in 1996 some people started what is called the "X Prize" - a prize of $10 million for the first team to carry 3 people up to 100 km and back.  The atmosphere ends at about 20 km, and so this would be a space flight - though it would last only a few minutes - like the first American in space, Alan Shepard.

The advantage of such a project is that it is very much easier to reach 100 km and come back down again than to accelerate to orbit.  The necessary velocity is only 1 km/sec, or 1/8 of the 8 km/sec needed to get to orbit.  And the energy needed, and so the propulsive energy, the propellants needed, and the size of the propellant tanks are therefore only about 1/64 of what is needed to get to orbit.  Also, the energy that the vehicle must dissipate in order to slow down to land, is 1/64 of a vehicle returning from orbit, and so the re-entry heating - which destroyed the space shuttle columbia for example - is far less severe.  There would be no need for special materials or maintenance, and so the vehicle operator could land, refill and take off again straight away.

You may say, Is a 5 minute trip to space interesting?  Well, a survey was done in the USA by Futron Inc for Nasa, and they found it is very popular. The service will comprise a few days of preparation and training.  And then the flight itself will involve acceleration at 3G lying on your back; and then floating for 3 minutes looking outside at space and Earth views, and then re-entry at 5G for a few seconds, and landing.  My guess is that such a unique service will be very popular - once the price comes down to say 50 mannenn.

Anyway, as it happens, there is a team in Japan ready to build such a vehicle.  Starting in 1998 they built a fully reusable vertical take-off and landing rocket.  Currently it is unique in the world; it has performed three series of test flights flawlessly; and it has cost just about 1 okuen in total over 6 years.  That's less than 1/10,000 of the amount that the government has spent on space activities since 1998.

The RVT team is led by very experienced engineers at ISAS (JAXA).  Unfortunately it is not part of ISAS's job to plan passenger space-lines.  And JAXA (ex NASDA and NAL) refuse to.  So an independent group has proposed the 宇宙丸 project.  This is a small, piloted, sub-orbital rocket vehicle that could carry 5 people to 100 km and back.  It could be used initially for research - researchers could travel to space and back with their experiment - and then for winners of student competitions, young people, "space scouts".  And then, once there have been enough test flights, it could start space flight services for the general public like an airline.

We have discussed the 宇宙丸 project.  Based on their experience with RVT design and operations, RVT team could certainly build 宇宙丸 in 3 years for suujyuu-okuen.  Of course that's a lot of money - but it would be less than several % of the government's space budget !  I am sure that if the general public were allowed to vote on it, they would vote for the 宇宙丸 project 100% !

Thank you.


「JRS宇宙旅行研究企画の歴史」(著:Prof. Patrick Collins)


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